Alarm does not work after updating to Android 10


Alarm does not work after updating to Android 10

Senaste programvaro uppdateringen så funkar inte alarmet det klickar om man ställt in en tid men går man in och testar alarm ljud funkar det 

Latest software update so the alarm does not work it clicks if you set a time but if you go in and test the alarm sound it works



For me the alarm sounds are working but SNOOZE is broken since the update. Instead of snoozing the expected amount (ex: 5 or 10 minutes), alarm comes back within a minute or two. 


In my case I can't turn it off properly, it looks like the alarm is always snoozing. I turn it off but it rings again after a minute or two. It does this four or five times. It's really annoying.


I had the same problem. I removed the sim card and restart my phone. I seems to work for now... 


Alamr można ustawić ale ustawienie drze. ki sprawi że po minucie zaczyna znowu dzwonić jednak nie da się wtedy go wyłączyć. Próbowałam wyciszyć, ale też bezskutecznie jedyne co mogłam zrobić to zresetować telefon aby ucich niechcianych alarm. 

Ostatnia aktualizacja jest okropna oprócz zegara telefon jest też zamulony i ciężko się go używa.

Alamr can be set but the setting is smart. ki will make it ring again after a minute, but you can't turn it off. I tried to mute, but to no avail the only thing I could do was reset the phone to silent unwanted alarm.

Last update is terrible, apart from the clock the phone is also silted up and hard to use.



Hi, i also have the same problem. My alarm keeps going off every 2 minutes even when my snooze time is supposed to be 10 minutes. It even keeps going on when i dismissed the alarm! Also the clock is broken, because it showed that i had snoozed the alarm since 12:59am even though the alarm was set to go off at 6:30am. All this is very annoying. 


I have the same problem after the Android 10 update. Very frustrating!! Snooze should be 10 minutes but the alarm goes off every minute. When I turn the alarm off via the locked screen or the buttons on top of the actieve screen it keeps on going until I open the app and deactive the alarm there. Deleting and programming the alarm anew doesn't solve the problem. Also deleting the data of the app didn't work. How to solve it then?!

Alarm version 20.2.A.2.48


The alarm goes off about 5 times after I stop it with 1-2 min intervalls and I so disturbing. What should I do? Tried to reset the clock-app and restarted the phone.

Yeah, I have the same issue. Every single alarm goes off every minute several times even if I postpone, cancel and even disable the alarm in the settings.


Since the latest update the alarm doesn't work at all.I can set the time but the sound/vibration doesn't activate. The alarm volume is set but after the time the alarm is set the volume resets to zero.

My boss was't very happy with this...😛