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After the update to Android 9 i have been problems with Bluetooth devices. Some aren't found, others found but with no success with pairing. I can't use my Bluetooth, please fix that!!
Solved! Go to Solution.
@Justluk wrote:Have u test if another Bluetooth device can send files to your laptop? Maybe the problem is in your laptop, like a firewall blocking the connection, check out and let me know
Hi, Yes my $40 cheap phone connects without an issue to both old and new laptops.Cheers
I have a different phone (pixel 2) with the similar issues. Still very unreliable android 9 BT implementation. What works for me is to change bluetooth AVRCP protocol version In developers settings and restart the phone. No matter the version, in seems like the change sitelf clears some garbage. Then everything connects for a while. But you have to change it occassionaly to fix it. Total shame on google developers to produce such.
Thx so much Strampke. I have same problem and this was solution for me
This works! Fantastic.. thanks.
Fixed the issue for me as well, Phone wouldn't find new devices before this.
Thank you so much!
I am surprised that they still rely on user self-clearing cache.
I'm having redmi note 6 pro mobile
As on my mobile software has been updated I'm unable to detect my Bluetooth headset
Jag har tappat funktioner via bluetooth. Jag kan inte längre se eller styra musiken i vår bil BMW 530/2016. Det fungerar med min gamla Xz2 med Android version 6, likaså med vår iPhone 6. Det fungerade även på XZ3 tills i våras.
Jag har gjort alla åtgärder som rekommenderas utan förbättring. Jag har också noterat att musiken hackar när vi ansluter iPhone som telefon nr 2.
Jag har Android pie 9
Bluetooth version : 52.0.A.8.131
Xperiauppgradering senast 20 aug
Jag börjar bli less över problemen som jag misstänker är orsakade av kompabilitetspro lem efter uppgradering av Android mjukvara
I have lost features via bluetooth. I can no longer see or control the music in our car BMW 530/2016. It works with my old Xz2 with Android version 6, as well as with our iPhone 6. It also worked on the XZ3 until this spring.
I have done all the measures recommended without improvement. I also noticed that the music chops when we connect the iPhone as phone # 2.
I have Android pie 9
Bluetooth version: 52.0.A.8.131
Xperia upgrade by Aug 20
I'm starting to become less aware of the issues I suspect are caused by compatibility issues after upgrading Android software
I have AVRCP-version 1.4
What other version do You mean and where can I find it?