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Quick questions, quick replies; ask anything about the Xperia XZ1!


Quick questions, quick replies; ask anything about the Xperia XZ1!

Hello everyone!

We tried out a new concept where we mainly let our community assist each other with product/feature questions in the Xperia XZ Premium board and it was a success! So, let's keep it rolling. Slightly_smiling_Face

The purpose of this thread is to ask anything that you wish to know about the Xperia XZ1; other users owning an Xperia XZ1 and forum staff will do our best to reply! 

As an example, prior to purchasing an Xperia XZ1, you may be wondering if someone has tried out a specific third party app or feature on their XZ1, and could tell you a bit more about the compatibility and functionality as the app may important in your daily life. Staff and other users can come in and reply and let you know how it works!

The goal of this thread is to help each other out as a community. We will try to moderate this thread so that any new threads with a fitting question will instead be moved here, while we of course keep support threads the way they are now. 

Support related questions, such as raising concerns and troubleshooting are best suited in a different thread/their own thread. Please try to see if there is a thread regarding your concern, and if not, feel free to create one! smile happy

334 REPLIES 334

Hi, I bought a new XZ1 from Sony Center a few days ago. Yesterday I received a notification about the system update (47.1.A.5.51), I installed it and after installation (successful) received it again. I have installed this update already 4 times, and I'm still getting it. What is wrong?


Are you sure it's the same update? You should be getting multiple consecutive updates since you just powered on the phone with factory software.

To check your updates history, go to Settings -> System -> Software update -> tap on the 3-dot icon on the top right corner -> Updates history.


Yes. You have right. These updates have same number but different time of publish, but the rest have incremental numbers. Thank you. My problem was solved.


Hi, i have XZ1 Dual running the latest April update .145, and since then i noticed my swipe right Google Now feed at home screen is broken, it shows blank feed now, and pteviously i can tap back button to exit -- but now i have to swipe left to exit it. Anyone has this?

hello @argentum

this usually happens when you clear your search cache inyour google account, try to search some topics on while you are signed in. restart your device. or clear google app cache,



hello @argentum

this usually happens when you clear your search cache inyour google account, try to search some topics on while you are signed in. restart your device. or clear google app cache,

Ive tried both, but ill see what i can do. Because i thought it's a problem on the firmware side, i haven't had anything like this on previous updates


I have a problem about my top speaker of my xperia XZ1...after using it for 1 week, the top speaker is suddenly dead..i can't hear anything from it even after entering safe mode, or diagnostics, or it a new feature of sony xperia or something?? How can i disable this feature? Thx


What is the model number for the XZ1 U.S. Model?

I purchased one from an FBA seller on Amazon and received a G8341 model and I think my fingerprint scanner works. The seller told me the listing on Amazon is incorrect and that G8341 is the real number with the U.S. warranty.


Different markets and regions can share the same model number, what distinguishes them is a specific characteristic of your device called "customization version". You can check this version by dialing the code *#*#7378423#*#* the tap on "Software info", if you want me to check if this specific customization version belongs to the US region.

The fingerprint sensor is disabled from the software only on US customized devices, flashing another firmware from a different market will enable it. Yet I don't know if this will affect your warranty or not.

