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Quick questions, quick replies; ask anything about the Xperia XZ1!


Quick questions, quick replies; ask anything about the Xperia XZ1!

Hello everyone!

We tried out a new concept where we mainly let our community assist each other with product/feature questions in the Xperia XZ Premium board and it was a success! So, let's keep it rolling. Slightly_smiling_Face

The purpose of this thread is to ask anything that you wish to know about the Xperia XZ1; other users owning an Xperia XZ1 and forum staff will do our best to reply! 

As an example, prior to purchasing an Xperia XZ1, you may be wondering if someone has tried out a specific third party app or feature on their XZ1, and could tell you a bit more about the compatibility and functionality as the app may important in your daily life. Staff and other users can come in and reply and let you know how it works!

The goal of this thread is to help each other out as a community. We will try to moderate this thread so that any new threads with a fitting question will instead be moved here, while we of course keep support threads the way they are now. 

Support related questions, such as raising concerns and troubleshooting are best suited in a different thread/their own thread. Please try to see if there is a thread regarding your concern, and if not, feel free to create one! smile happy

334 REPLIES 334

Xz1 de hotspot acinca diger cihazlar tarafindan gorunmuyor. Yeniden baslatinca goruyor sonra tekrar bi sure sonra gorunmuyor.

Hotspot on Xz1 is not actually seen by other devices. It looks like it starts over again and then it does not show up again after a while.



I keep getting the pop up, to update my XZ1. It is really off putting, since i updated atleast 8 times. Same firm ware. same everything. nothing changes. still i get the update request. and i can't get it out of my drop menu.

any help? why do i still get requests to update to 47.1.A.12.75?


Keep the preview of the update ticked and block notifications from being turned on or off. I will not get a notification until I restart it

Guncelleme bildirimin ustune basili tut ve bildirimleri engelle secenegini sec yada ayarlar uygulamalar yazilim guncelleme secenegine durdurmaya zorla. Yeniden baslatana kadar bildirim almassin baska yolu yok sanirim


I've edited your post as this is an English only forum, you can use Google Translate to reply and/or post.


75 is old one, try to reset the phone with Xperia Companion. Remember that will erase internal flash - clear. Make a back-up before within program options.


I've just seen a dead pixel on the screen of my Xperia XZ1. It's in warranty, but is this covered or would I get charged for this to be fixed?

Hi @Bugv3y;

According to Sony warranty conditions until two dead pixels are accepted.

Try restarting the phone to see if it disappears or in last resort a software repair with Xperia Companion just to discard a software issue. 


hi, guys.

is swifkey and some google apps cause lag and Freeze?

because someone noticed this then i try disable them and phone smoother


Где находится переключение ответа вызова на звонок  приложить к уху или просто провести по экрану рукой? 

Where is the switching of the answer of a call to the call to attach to the ear or just to hold the screen with your hand?



You're right ! The FM radio was useful. I also missed the IR remote function. That was a nice tool and fun sometimes. Last time I had it was on a tablet, I believe it was the Xperia Z tablet or another older version. Currently have the Z4 . Anyways, Samsung has the IR on some of their phones, why not have it on the XZ's? 



I know a good and decent screen protector is great thing in most smartphones, but, since the XZ1 is sporting a gorilla glass 5... ¿Do we really need a screen protector?