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After update to Android 10 all files from SD card disappears. There are a lot of new sub-folders named "files", which are empty:(. Card can be readed from phone and from PC , but the resul is same. Where are my photos and videos?
Did you do an Ota update or a clean install?
Sounds like your sd card might of corrupted.
Do you see a folder named lost.dir on the SD card?
OTA - yes.
There is no folder named Lost.dir
You may be right, No more AData.
Yeah Adata is really unreliable like patriot.
I recommend Samsung or SanDisk for SD cards.
Any flash media can in theory corrupt unfortunately.
I'm also having issues with my SD card after updating to Android 10: when I play music, suddenly the phone stops reading the memory card.
This didn't happen before the update; I also checked for corruption in the SD card but tets resulted OK, there wasn't any file corruption nor loss of it. It just stops reading sudden and randomly.
I own an XZ2 Premium which holds a 256 Gb Lexar memory card.
Is anyone else having this issue?