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After updating all voice messages from me sound too quiet, voice volume level is too low. Phone microphone and multimedia sound are ok. Please, do something.
I have the same issue! Is there a way to solve this?
Ich hab das gleiche Problem.
Das nervt Auch langsam. 🙄
Indeed. Same problem om WhatsApp
It seems like there's nobody frome support in here. Is this forum still alive? Sony, why you're keeping silent? 🤔
Mein Gott bin ich froh das ich nicht alleine bin... Ich habe exakt das selbe Problem... Komischerweise funktioniert der Ton bei Aufnahme eines Videos direkt über WhatsApp in normaler Lautstärke, nur eben die sprachnachrichten nicht
My god I'm glad I'm not alone ... I have exactly the same problem ... Strangely, the sound works when recording a video directly via WhatsApp at normal volume, just not the voice messages
I contacted the Sony Support chat and they gave me a list of possible solutions but none of them worked yet....
I would recommend contacting them via chat yourself!
The first option was to start the phone in the safe mode (abgesicherter Modus) and then restart it.
The second was to reset the application settings (all permissions got lost with this option...).
The third (didn't try that yet! ) is to repair the software via the companion tool on your computer. Data can be lost here and there are various things one needs to consider (Google Account, Backup, battery charge etc.) and this could take up to 50 mins. I am not sure if I will do this or if I will wait until there is more input regarding this issue. Again, I would recommend contacting the Chat yourself!
Vielen lieben Dank schon mal für Antwort, dass werde ich ausprobieren, auch wenn ich der Meinung bin das garantiert irgendwas mit dem Update nicht richtig war, es sind ja doch einige die das Problem ganz plötzlich haben
Thank you very much for the answer, I'll give it a try, even if I think something was wrong with the update, there are some who suddenly have the problem
Ja das liegt auch am Update! Werde das mit der Softwarereparatur am PC erstmal nicht machen! Ich werde warten bis es einen Bug fix gibt!
Yes, that's also due to the update! I won't do that with software repair on the PC for now! I will wait until there is a bug fix!
Ich habe die Softwarereparatur ohne Erfolg durchgeführt. Macht es nicht!
I did the software repair to no avail. Do not do it!