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Touch screen freezes. Unfreeze when I lock and unlock the phone.


Touch screen freezes. Unfreeze when I lock and unlock the phone.

Safe mode did not fix this issue. 

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Hi @christianlv, let me see if I can help out here!

So just to clarify, the freezes that you mentioned also happen while the phone was in Safe mode? In that case my suggestion is to repair the software on the phone, as there is no setting for this. Keep in mind though that a software repair will erase all user data from the phone, so make sure to do a backup before the repair. 

Feel free to keep me posted with the results! 


Thank you for the quick reply. I had my fingers crossed hoping to avoid a reset, but I see that it is the logical option now. I will get back to you with the result. 


Thank you @christianlv for the quick reply! 

Quite understandable, but i hope that you will manage to sort it out in the end. Keep me posted and let me know if you have any further questions! 


I had the same problem. My display was cracked but working just fine so I thought may be it is because of the broken display. Ordered a new display. After installing the new display now the display is black. Neither the new one nor the old one is working. Touch is working just fine and I can also receive calls.

Any help will be appreciated.


Any luck with the reset? I have this problem too, can't remember since which update it started. Either the last one or the one from august. Running latest firmware from the netherlands.

It has actually become worse and it almost seems i can reproduce it to freeze up. Usually when i touch the screen somewhere near the rounded sides.


Hi @LineArc39, sorry to hear that you are also affected by this.

Since you mention that your display is black after a change of display, I would suggest that you get in contact with your local support team in order to have have the phone examined by an authorized service technician. 

 In your case @Dxue, it might be a good idea to repair the software in order to see if the behaviour you are experiencing is software related.


Mine started this problem after the most recent update.


Don't have any authorised dealer or service provider in my country (Pakistan).

Not sure what to do about it in my scenario. 


Sorry to hear about that, @LineArc39.

However, your local support team should be able to arrange for your phone to be sent to an authorized service center if you contact them. Simply follow the link below and select your county/region in the dropdown menu.