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Questions regarding Sony Tablet S and the Skype application

Questions regarding Sony Tablet S and the Skype application

A few days ago I purchased a Sony Tablet S. Originally I wanted to by a Samsung Tablet but as a long time Sony customer (over the years a number of VAIOs, a range of movie and photo cameras, HiFi equipment, etc.) I switched to the Sony Tablet S. Unfortunately after taking the tablet into operation, I became very disappointed as  it was not possible to install Skype. Access to Skype was an important reason for purchasing an Android tablet. When I searched for Sony Tablet S and Skype in this forum, there appeared two questions and apparently a reply from Sony. The enquiry from Tablet S buyers was about how to integrate Skype in the tablet. What appeared to be a Sony answer was that the Tablet S is not a telephone. Most of Skype applications are not running on phones, they run on PCs and on notebooks - and the work perfectly on other tablets. Reason why I would appreciate an answer from Sony what is the official position regarding this issue. Without this very application the terminal is not very valueable for me. With the excellent camera and the good sound facilities, the Tablet S is ideally suited for communications. With a 1000 crazy apps but without communication facilities, Sony will lose a considerable segment of users! Please, other members of the forum using Tablet S, let me know your opinion about this issue.


Hi and welcome to the forum. Sony do not actively participate on here so it will be difficult to get an official response here but I can only speak as a user, I have Skype installed and running fine. It runs exactly like my computer where it remains running in the background so providing I have a wifi connection, I am able to make and receive calls without a problem. There are a few of us Tablet S users on here who have it installed and running.

Now when you say it was not possible, how did you do it? I assume you used the Marketplace application to do so? That should not have caused any issues. If you did do it via the Marketplace app, could you possibly post the exact text from the message?

If you go via their website, I can assume that it will tell you that you are unable to run or that your operating system is incompatible.

Whoever mentioned that this Tablet is not a telephone, they are right but remember it still has a microphone and speaker system so any VOIP program works well on it either way.

I downloaded the skype app from marketplace and appart from a slightly dark picture in video chat it all works fine. Skype isn't specially tailored to the sony tablet s yet but any small hiccups will no doubt be sorted in future updates.

I've installed skype from the marketplace and had no issues either.

By default it didn't switch on video calling but you can change that in the settings.



Hi ,

I have had no problems using skype on the sony  tablet s. im using skype for android current version from  marketplace as at october 21,2011

it works fine with audio and video.

although this is not supported by skype at this time,it does work.

maybe it will be their supported list next update.