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Will an American sony tablet s work in the UK?


Will an American sony tablet s work in the UK?

i was thinking about buy the tablet s in america as it is cheaper but will i have access to the same features as a UK tablet s?


Accepted Solutions

Companies have been doing this sort of thing for years. It is a shame that it does happen but I suppose as customer's, were are at the mercy of companies and the hardest thing about it is when going to buy it since not all sales people would warn you about this in advanced.

To be fair, your Tablet will operate as normal but certain apps may look at what region your unit is made for vs your current location and refuse to install or download however things like the BBC iPlayer website should still work since it looks at your Internet Service Provider.

It just would be nice if Google required manufactuers and sellers to make sure this is apparent but you never know, they might change this policy in the future.

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There was another owner here on the forum who was having some issues through doing this - I'm afraid I can't remember on which thread so you'll have to search.

I also believe Android is regionalised so this can also cause issues.


Well thats not good, i may have to buy another tablet from the UK!!! It not that hard to make android work worldwide, they just dont do it, point in that!!

Companies have been doing this sort of thing for years. It is a shame that it does happen but I suppose as customer's, were are at the mercy of companies and the hardest thing about it is when going to buy it since not all sales people would warn you about this in advanced.

To be fair, your Tablet will operate as normal but certain apps may look at what region your unit is made for vs your current location and refuse to install or download however things like the BBC iPlayer website should still work since it looks at your Internet Service Provider.

It just would be nice if Google required manufactuers and sellers to make sure this is apparent but you never know, they might change this policy in the future.

I bought my Tablet S in New York before it's official release in both the US and UK.  So far I have had no issues with it.  The Sony Reader App store is locked to the US/Canada but to be honest any books I want to have on the tablet I just upload via dropbox or SD card.  Video Unlimited seems to have redirected itself to the UK version as all the movie rental prices are in GBP not USD/CDN.  Music Unlimited seems to work ok, the only issue I have had is with Crackle.  The selectApp runs from the US site but I went to PC world and copied the url for the uk site.  I just need to get a usb cable without paying Sony's prices.

thanks that helps, its ment to be for christmas but i got a sneaky shot and everything seemed to work. Whats the URL for the UK select apps?