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VoLTE provisioned disabled


VoLTE provisioned disabled

I bought an unlocked sony xperia xz f8331. The signal where I am is weak on the network I'm on and volte seems to help. But it is not in the settings of the stock rom (Android 8.0, latest security update, 1 october 2018, build number 41.3.A.2.192) I'm using. If I search for it in settings, it says it's there, but when I go to Network & Internet->Mobile network, it's not there.

If I dial *#*#4636#*#*, and select "Phone Information," I see that "VoLTE provisioned" is greyed out. And it is unresponsive to touch. It's stays greyed out. 

So essentially I have no VoLTE and so far no way to enable it. 

Can anyone help?


Hi @Hesed, welcome to our forum!

There is quite a few requirements that needs to be met in order for you to be able to use VoLTE in your device.

  • you have to use a VoLTE-supported phone.
  • your operator and subscription (incl. SIM card) must support VoLTE for the device model you're using.
  • depending on operator, your phone must sometimes be operator-branded and/or use operator-customised system software.
  • your phone must be in range of an LTE/4G network.

The Xperia XZ, both the Single SIM and Dual SIM version supports VoLTE, but for the other requirements, you will need to get in touch with your operator for further information, such as if the Xperia XZ is a VoLTE enabled device in their network, if you need a specific customization of the software to be able to use it and so forth.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Thanks for replying. In response,

- my phone, the Sony Xperia XZ, is a VoLTE supported phone

- the operator, Three UK, supports VoLTE for all devices that can support VoLTE, specifically including the Sony Xperia XZ, and also including widely unknown Chinese phones, one which I used to own (Homtom HT70) and one which I now own (Zoji Z11). The chinese phones connect to VoLTE no problem.

- I've contacted the operator and was told that a phone does not have to be operator branded or have operator customised software/firmware, which is also evidenced by the fact that two chinese phones not supplied by Three UK nor having its software/firmware on them were/are able to connect to VoLTE.

- the phone is within range of the VoLTE network as is evidenced by the fact that the two chinese phones can connect to it easily enough whereas the Sony Xperia XZ cannot.

So your input hasn't solved the issue. The fact that I can search for the option to enable VoLTE in the settings of the XZ, see an option available, but when I select that option, it is invisible in the relevant section makes it seem like something on the software/rom side of things is hiding the option. And added to that, in the deeper settings of the phone, the relevant setting is disabled as I described before is telling.

I don't know if I need software from sony to enable it, or if I need sony to root the device, turn on the option, and then unroot it, or if there is a rom sony provides that enables VoLTE, or if it's simply something I haven't thought of.


Hi @Hesed, sorry for the late reply, I have been out of office due to vacation.

VoLTE is already enabled in the software, since the device supports it, this can of course depend on the customization of the software and if the operator does not want the feature added, I'm sure it can be disabled in one specific customization.

From what I can see on Three's website, the device needs to be bought from Three, other wise it won't work, based on the text on the link below. "4G Super-Voice doesn't work on other non-Three devices yet however, even if the manufacturer has stated that it's VoLTE compatible. We're working on this, so be sure to check back for updates." and "The following devices are compatible when bought from Three."

Did you buy the device from Three, or is it bought from another operator/retailer?

I was not able to find the Chinese brand devices in the list that is on that website at least, but I might be looking in the wrong place, or it has not been updated.

Keep in mind that VoLTE and Vo-Wi-Fi are both services that the network operator decides if the specific device model should be supported.

You can also double check with the UK Support team as they may be better informed about services for a UK operator as I'm situated in the Nordics and here the Nordic customization of the software is a requirment for both services to work for all operators.

Have a nice day!


Hi @Jonas, 

I'll send a screenshot. VoLTE is not enabled in the software. I've said this before but you may not have seen it. The phone is unlocked for any network.

I have spoken to Three myself. They tell me any phone that supports it can use VoLTE, even non-Three phones. I've again said before that I've used two non-Three phones, even non-English phones, and they've been able to use it. Again, maybe you did not see this in my messages. And I've investigated the sony xperia xz; it should be able to do VoLTE.

I've taken sceenshots. The first is what I see I type *#*#4636#*#* into the phone app and go to "phone information."  That's where it says "VoLTE provisioned" but it's disabled. The second two is firstly what I see when I search for VoLTE in Settings and the next is what I get when I select the only option that comes up; nothing to do with VoLTE is apparent. The last pic is what I get when I select "preferred network type." Again, no sign of VoLTE! It has been disabled on the phone.

So, please, look again at the information I've already provided and the screenshots in this message, and please, if you're able to help, provide new information that hasn't already been answered in my previous messages.Screenshot_20190724-132857.png




I don't know why my uploaded images don't appear rather than these yellow triangles.


Has anyone been able to compel Sony to resolve this?

I have exactly the same issue. I have a Sony Xperia XZ F8331, bought retail (network unlocked, OEM Android 8.0) from JB Hi-Fi in Australia.

I have alternated use with a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. The same Vodafone SIM card in the Samsung utilises VoLTE without issue. I cannot get the Xperia XZ F8331 to give me a VoLTE setting, and of course to utilise VoLTE.

As per the images posted by Hered (thanks), VoLTE should be selectable and it is not. This is a software issue, and it's shameful that a feature that Sony *claim* should be available (with all the "right ingredients"), is not working. It's a pretty important modern function that should "just work".